Come and learn how to draw human skeletons and an écorché.
Understanding the human body, and particularly its skeleton and musculature, is a powerful tool for drawing the human figure from observation, memory or imagination.
During this course, you’ll learn to analyze and draw the skeleton and various muscles of the human body.
You’ll learn to simplify, using mannequins, to better analyze and understand the shape and proportions of the human figure.
Fundamentals ● Intermediate ● Advanced
Have a solid foundation in drawing.
* A3 tracing paper (you can find roll of tracing paper)
* colored pencils (red, blue, green)
* A3 paper (ClaireAlfa-style plain printing paper)
* pencils
* eraser
* IPad

An alumnus of the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Thomas Wienc taught human and animal anatomy at Walt Disney Feature Animation in Montreuil from 1995 to 2002, then at various animation schools including Gobelins, Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris and Ateliers de Sèvres.
Website: Thomas Wienc
Week 1
- Skeleton
- general:%20joint%20types,%20global%20bone%20landmarks,%20etc.
- Skeleton
- Torso and head: grammar of contours/lines, plates and turns. Master representation in simplified forms (skull, cage, pelvis).
Week 2
- Skeleton
- Upper limbs/lower limbs: grammar of contours/galvics, plates and turns. Master the simplified representation of arms and legs.
Week 3
- Skeleton
- Complete skeleton: grammar of contours / curves, boards and turns. Master the representation of the entire skeleton in simplified forms, with realistic and cartoon proportions.
Week 4
- Muscles
- Torso and head: representation of muscles on tracing from 3D printed skeletons, then from photos and drawings. Highlighting information to be retained for character design.
Week 5
- Muscles
- Upper limbs / Lower limbs: representation of muscles on tracing from 3D printed skeletons, then from photos and drawings. Highlight information to be retained for character drawing.
Week 6
- Muscles
- Complete skinning: master the simplified representation of the entire skinned body, with realistic and cartoonish proportions.